Fortune 500 Resume & Interview Tips in NJ, NY & NC
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Don’t settle for just any job. Find one that engages, fulfills and compensates your needs.
The Definitive Resource for Landing a Job
Who knows why employers choose their final candidates? The employer! Whether looking at a Fortune 500 company or a small start-up, to land and excel at the job you want, you need to cut through all the contradictory information out there about applying for and securing your new job.
Learn from the more than 100 Fortune 500 HR managers, directors, and vice presidents about resumes, cover letters, interview questions, virtual interviews, LinkedIn profiles, social media, and networking.
This third edition updates and builds on the valuable information of the earlier editions. In addition to the expertise of Fortune 500 hiring professionals, the author has extensive experience working directly with job seekers - those fresh from college and those transitioning to a new career.
What readers are saying about the latest edition.
“Incredibly valuable and practical. If you're searching for a job or thinking about it, you'd be wise to check this book out and follow the recommendations from [Brenda Greene] to increase your chance of getting the interview and the job.” – Dan Sterenchuk (Media)
“Great book when searching for a new career or getting ready to interview a potential employee. I was able to apply the advice, answer those difficult interview questions with ease, and I actually enjoyed the interview!! I will recommend this book to all my colleagues.” – Jaime Burns
“A comprehensive guide to composing resumes, navigating LinkedIn, interview tips and more. Lots of nuggets of information to help those entering the labor force or looking for a new job. This book is your all-in-one to getting the interview.” – Debra Nussman
“Got the interview, and the job! I’ve always been clueless on cover letters and how best to sell myself. This is a great intro for others in the same boat.” – Brittany York